A county government agency and a nonprofit park association teamed up to save Bothe-Napa State Park and Bale Grist State Historic Park using a revamped operations and funding model.
Nonprofits, park advocates, philanthropists and public agencies around the state have raised funds and struck deals with the state, one by one. But who is counting?
On March 16, 2012, the California State Parks Foundation and the Olmsted Park Fund announced an agreement with California State Parks to give Jug Handle State Reserve a reprieve from closure for [...]
Two nonprofits made a deal to protect redwood forests while saving aging camp facilities owned by the well-known American institution whose mission is to empower girls.
This post highlights the latest news and actions on the California State Parks crisis and the search for sustainable funding. KQED's California Report will air a new special six-part multi-media [...]
If you are someone who cares about parks and open spaces you should head over to the Bay Area Open Space Council’s blog, where you can stay connected by subscribing to the RSS feed or email [...]
In a Foundation Center podcast, Peter Kim of the nonprofit Bridgespan Group cautions that it takes three to five years for a nonprofit to put a strong funding model in place. If an organization [...]