Find out how an all-volunteer nonprofit organization used the state parks budget crisis in California to knock loose some funding from the state, win a foundation grant to make critical repairs, [...]
Three organizations are looking at ways to create a sustainable future for a place called Pond Farm, where Marguerite Wildenhain and a community of artists made history.
After six months of fundraising, the nonprofit Friends of China Camp raised $250,000, enough money to take over operations of the cultural and historical landmark along the northwest shores of [...]
We need to reframe how we look at a situation to open up creative possibilities and solutions, argues Mark McGuinness, a London-based creative business coach. The point of “reframing” is to [...]
In February, the Chronicle of Philanthropy hosted a live chat titled, Pinterest for Nonprofits: Promoting Your Cause on the Fast-Growing Social Network. More than 1,700 people in the nonprofit [...]