Today is International Women’s Day. March is Women’s History Month. And the year 2014 marks the 150th anniversary of Yosemite National Park and the California State Park system. I am honoring [...]
Museums are undergoing reinvention to become participatory, family-friendly and more open to a diversity of people and perspectives. The Oakland Museum of California reopens its Gallery of [...]
Three organizations are looking at ways to create a sustainable future for a place called Pond Farm, where Marguerite Wildenhain and a community of artists made history.
After six months of fundraising, the nonprofit Friends of China Camp raised $250,000, enough money to take over operations of the cultural and historical landmark along the northwest shores of [...]
Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks, the educational partner to Santa Cruz County parks since 1976, agreed to raise $45,000 per year to prevent the park from closing on July 1 due to state budget cuts.
Bookstores, as community centers that foster an appreciation of the literary arts and humanities (critical for a healthy democracy), can also claim a public interest purpose.
"Across Sonoma Mountain wisps of sea fog are stealing … I have everything to make me glad I am alive. I am filled with dreams and mysteries. I am all sun and air and sparkle. I am vitalized, [...]
In 1872 legendary naturalist John Muir returned from explorations in the High Sierra to Yosemite Valley, where he was greeted by two artists. They inquired about his recent trip and asked if he [...]