The other day I turned to an unread stack of The New Yorker magazines, in which I found some gems among all of the disquieting election talk that was wearing me out. Among the stories that gave [...]
How can we solve tough environmental and social problems if women continue to be underrepresented in leadership positions in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors? How can we change this [...]
According to a new report, the struggling and underfunded California state park system can transform into a model of sustainability for park systems worldwide. This new system will be [...]
“In winter all the singing is in the tops of the trees,” wrote poet Mary Oliver. Or if you attended San Francisco’s National Philanthropy Day in November, all the singing came from Kat [...]
On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, will you join me and thousands more on #GivingTuesday and throughout the holidays to give back to your favorite nonprofits and causes? There is so much more to be done.
Today is International Women’s Day. March is Women’s History Month. And the year 2014 marks the 150th anniversary of Yosemite National Park and the California State Park system. I am honoring [...]
As the year comes to a close the northern elephant seals are returning to Point Reyes National Seashore. It is a time for ritual. Over the last few weeks I have been looking back at photos and my [...]
Find out how an all-volunteer nonprofit organization used the state parks budget crisis in California to knock loose some funding from the state, win a foundation grant to make critical repairs, [...]
Museums are undergoing reinvention to become participatory, family-friendly and more open to a diversity of people and perspectives. The Oakland Museum of California reopens its Gallery of [...]