How do you get your daily news? Today with the explosion of digital news sites, blogs and social media tools, community storytelling and information are more accessible than ever before. [...]
Last Friday was the final day to mail back the census form. Households who did not return their forms should expect a visit by a census worker in the coming weeks, beginning in May. According to [...]
On Monday I wrote a post about how nonprofit organizations, community leaders and foundations are collaborating to reach hard-to-count populations and ensure that their constituents participate [...]
It looks like your browser cannot or does not support IFRAMES. Any day you should receive notice in the mail about the 2010 Census. The official questionnaire will follow the initial announcement [...]
Today I read a new post by blogger Amy Gahran on the News Leadership 3.0 blog of the Knight Digital Media Center (a project of the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism and the USC Annenberg [...]
“Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.” ~ Louisa May Alcott [...]
Some nonprofit organizations that were early adopters of social media and others confused by the myriad options may not be using these tools to the best of their advantage. Using Facebook as an [...]
Ever since I wrote an article on the native oysters of San Francisco Bay, I have been awed by the complexities of our estuary’s underwater ecosystems. Despite its murky appearance, the San [...]
Each year the San Francisco Foundation awards $10,000 to individual leaders and $20,000 awards to organizations to showcase individuals and organizations that take outstanding initiative to [...]
Youth development advocates nationwide have been building a movement to prioritize play and outdoor time for children and youth – through recess, sports and adventures in nature. Backing [...]